Is Paul Dead?
by Staff Report
It's 40 years since Paul McCartney (left) split the Beatles and retreated, wounded and depressed, to his Scottish farm. He grew a beard, he brooded on events and eventually he got back on the horse. By any standards (let alone those expected of the hardest-working Beatle), it was a plodding start: a couple of low-key solo offerings, a couple of underwhelming albums with his new so-so band, Wings; a budget college tour. What excitement there was sprang from their mischief in the singles charts, with "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" and "Hi, Hi, Hi" both banned by the BBC and McCartney's adaptation of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" given a roasting by critics who were fast losing their sense of humour. Things hardly looked more hopeful when in the summer of 1973 McCartney announced that the third Wings album would be recorded in Lagos, Nigeria, only to have two members of the band (guitarist Henry McCullough and drummer Denny Seiwell) promptly quit, Seiwell the night before they were due to fly out. – Guardian
Dominant Social Theme: The Beatles' common genius, incandescent and irrepressible, is bound to live on through the ages.
Free-Market Analysis: It has occurred to us that in the 20th century, especially the later 20th century, that art and literature became subject to the promotional agenda of the Anglo-American power elite. This makes sense to us if one grants that the elite comprise an extraordinarily wealthy, intergenerational familial conspiracy that has as its modern aim the creation of a kind of one world government. In order to do create the conditions for this takeover, the elite has to organize every aspect of society in a certain way, from politics, to war, to culture – especially culture.
If one begins to believe in this particular organizational paradigm, then much of the later 20th century can be explained with a good level of confidence and coherence. What the later 20th century has seen in the West from this viewpoint is the breakdown of the family and the glorification of the state. Glorifying or at least empowering the state is very important to the Anglo-American power elite as it is through mercantilism – the use of the levers of state power – that the elite will gradually impose global governance, thus acquiring almost unimaginable power and wealth for themselves.
In addition to glorifying the state, the power elite in the late 20th century especially – as their planning apparently advanced – began to take aim at the family unit. Public pornography, a general decline in public morals and organized religion and cultural encouragement for pubescent hedonism (the glorification of the suddenly discovered "teenager") were all ways to attack the family structure. In addition, woman's lib, state welfare and the "hippie" movement itself also undermined the family unit, each in their own ways.
While we could investigate each of these areas separately, we want to focus on art and literature briefly in this article. Specifically, we want to focus on the Beatles and Paul McCartney. While we have come to no conclusions about what is to follow, we will allow that it is makes sense within the purview of the power elite's mandate and intentions. Just as the power of the state itself and central banking to create a kind of Dreamtime that undermined people's independence of professional competences, so we believe that the elite created cultural paradigms that further deepened the trance of this Dreamtime.
We will not rehearse all the methodologies of Dreamtime once again. But recently we have been pointing out some of the anomalies involved in what maybe one of the most outrageous of all Dreamtime memes – the Apollo man-on-the-moon missions. Every time we look we find another suspicious item. Most recently we found a Youtube video that shows clearly, off to one side, a clothed individual apparently tidying up the "moon" while the astronauts leaped and cavorted some distance away. Now this may be a doctored video – we didn't bother to track its provenance – but there are so many irregularities regarding this potentially unraveling promotion that we have grown extremely skeptical.
The same actually goes for the phenomenon that is the Beatles. Having decided that the elite control the mainstream press (and their control was even more powerful in the 20th century without the advent of the Internet) we have to wonder if the Beatles were not manufactured as the a salvo in a campaign (a promotion) to help undermine the cultural glue of Western society. The music itself had a hypnotic beat, but the real power came from the drug culture that sprang up around the Beatles.
We have already covered speculation that many of the initial wave of rock bands in America had some sort of American intel connection. We pointed to original research from David McGowan who has also done work on Peak Oil and the potential NASA moon hoax. He has put together on is site an expose of the growth of the so-called Hippie movement. From our point of view this complements Operation Gladio that the American and European intel enacted throughout Europe – an operation to create a left-wing opposition to the growing prosperity and independence of the European middle class. The idea once again was to fracture culture and replace with it dissonance and paranoia. In Dreamtime of the Baby Boomers, We wrote the following:
On the site, you will find ... "Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation." In this 20-part series, McGowan points out how many of the initial hippy musicians of the 1960s got their start in the environs of California's Laurel Canyon, a tiny geographical region. Not only was there an incredible locus of soon-to-be international rock and roll stars within the environs of Laurel Canyon, the background of these initial stars were all the same and featured some sort of military experience or familial exposure to great banking wealth.
McGowan points out that Dennis Hopper's dad was in the OSS, the predecessor to the CIA. Warren Beatty grew up in and around the world's largest Naval facility in Norfolk Virginia. Jack Nicholson, McGowan reports, has no birth certificate. "It appears then that there is no way to determine who Jack Nicholson really is." Emmylou Harris is the daughter of a career US Marine Corps officer. Jim Morrison's father was a Navy admiral. David Crosby apparently served in VietNam as an intel operative. Jimmy Hendrix served in the military. Stephen Stills seems to have been a military intelligence operative frequently on assignment in Central America. "His military bearing would earn him the nickname The Sarge."
Let us move onto the "British Invasion." There are plenty of Youtube clips and other information on the Internet regarding the supposed death of the initial Paul McCartney and his replacement by a new McCartney just as the Beatles had begun to find success. This makes some sense within the context of the Beatles as a manufactured entity, an elite promotion in other words. The Beatles are also alleged by some to have been a creation (promotion) of the notorious Tavistock Institute. Supposedly the Rolling Stones were another such manufactured band – as the elite likes to work within the Hegelian dialectic and the Beatles (good) were to serve as the foil for the Rolling Stones (bad).
Additionally, there is much information on the Internet regarding the veracity of the Beatles compositions; the Beatles (John and Paul) may not have known how to write music when they began composing. (And this would account for "Paul's" intitial failures at creating memorable tunes once out on his own – see initial artlcle excerpt above). Some have speculated that the band's initial catchy songs were penned at least in part by Theodor Adorno, a music professor from Frankfurt University. Here's part of a post to that effect at the from poster Saddam Hussein, September 2010:
Who actually wrote the Beatles music? The person who actually wrote all the Beatles songs was Theodor Adorno, a music professor from Frankfurt University. And none of the songs were original, Adorno, a genius on the subject of theoretical music cleverly adapted well-known classical partitures, to create the Beatles songs.
Here are some examples... Yellow Submarine is actually the theme from Verdi's Aida combined the Toreador song from Carmen by Bizet. Can't buy me love is actually Aine Kleine Nacht Musik by Mozart, ingeniously modified. Penny Lane is the Elvira Madigan Piano Concerto No. 21 by Mozart, modified. From me to you is the Peer Gynt suite, Morning Mood, by E. Grieg. I want to hold your hand is a modified From me to you (listen carefully and compare the two songs) Yesterday is a modified Neapolitan song, called "Piccere' Che Vene a Dicere"
Let us remember that the original J. Lennon/P. McCartney duo could neither write nor read music; in the period 1960-1962 they sang only cover songs, and manifested no music writing talent whatsoever. Got to get into my life is a modified Can't buy me love. I feel fine is actually Fire Dance by M. de Falla. Martha my Dear is a modified classical song, Martha by von Flotow. Something is nothing more than the theme from Spartacus by Khachaturian.
For Hey Jude, Adorno pulled out all stops, he grouped into one song, masterfully, the Ride of the Walkiries by Wagner, the theme from the Piano Concerto no. 1 by Tchaikovsky, and the theme from Symphony no 9 by Beethoven. Blackbird is actually the Hungarian Fantasy by Liszt. Get Back is Obladi Oblada modified. Sgt. Pepper is clever combination of the Radetzky March and the Romanian rhapsody no 1 by Enescu. And Adorno reworked some of the Beatles songs to create others: She Loves You is a modified From Me to You, as is You're gonna lose that girl. A Hard Day's Night is a modified Mozart serenade. Ballad of John and Yoko is a modified And Your Bird can Sing ...
We have no idea if the above is true, or certainly how much of it is true, or even if any of it is true. But nothing surprises us anymore. We do know that Operation Gladio is an admitted reality, as is Operation Paperclip and Mockingbird. These enterprises were enormous and arrogant manipulations of the Western middle classes, playing on fear and paranoia for years and years. We believe from McGowan's research that "Operation Hippie Band" (our name for it) was possibly an intel-connected operation as well, at least in its initial stages. We believe there is significant doubt about the NASA moon landings. There are many other promotions in the 20th century that we could discuss and analyze.
Conclusion: We are from time to time trying to point out what may be additional dominant and sub dominant social themes to contribute to unraveling of 20th century Dreamtime. The "Beatles" (a significant 20th century narrative) in our view may have been another breathtakingly arrogant and pervasive manufactured meme – and one worth further study for those who want to better understand their world and their place within it.
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