Namaste Nazis

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 ...have you noticed your favorite 'wellness' guru switching from electrosmog warnings and orgone based product advice to an 'alt-right' perspective of late? it's not a new phenomenon, those uber-menschen SS types were big on yoga back in the day (and wasn't our old favorite double agent Crowley big on similar eastern philosophies when he was dabbling?) makes ya thunk

Tietke’s research shows that not only were there S.S. leaders who were fascinated with yoga, they even used yoga’s history and philosophy to justify the Holocaust. S.S. Captain Jakob Wilhelm Hauer wrote “yoga can internally arm us to prepare us for the forthcoming battles,” while Commander Heinrich Himmler actually considered the Bhagavad Gita as a blueprint for cruelty. He identified with the attitude of “unscrupulous killing for one’s ‘higher purpose,'” wrote Tietke.


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