the Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo - Oscar Zeta Acosta

...this week's recommended reading is a rip roaring account of a certain "250lb Samoan attorney" in his 33rd year meeting his destiny, and in particular, Hunter S Thompson. From the intro by Hunter -

"Oscar was not into serious street-fighting, but he was hell on wheels in a bar brawl. Any combination of a 250-pound Mexican and LSD-25 is a potentially terminal menace for anything it can reach -- but when the alleged Mexican is in fact a profoundly angry Chicano lawyer with no fear at all of anything that walks on less than three legs and a de facto suicidal conviction that he will die at the age of thirty-three -- just like Jesus Christ -- you have a serious piece of work on your hands. Specially if the bastard is already thirty-three and a half years old with a head full of Sandoz acid, a loaded .357 Magnum in his belt, a hatchet-wielding Chicano bodyguard on his elbow at all times, and a disconcerting habit of projectile-vomiting geysers of pure red blood off the front porch every thirty or forty minutes, or whenever his malignant ulcer can't handle any more raw tequila."

Acosta, Oscar Zeta - Chicano 01 - The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo 3.0


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