Down the Rabbit-Hole with Lady GaGa
...WOW, did you SEE that? but did you SEE? THAT? the Lady with balls* takes us on an ILLUMINATIng journey through the psyche of Hollyweird at MTV's VMA's at the Masonic Temple in NY- if you missed it WATCH THIS...
...OK, first of all, why is she a white rabbit at the start, what's with the wheelchair and the crutch, and all that BLOOD! and the HANGING!?!- but we're getting waay ahead of ourselves here, let's rewind back to Madonna's "heartfelt" tribute to Michael Jackson, an INVOCATION to a VERY twisted evening, delivered in black - we cut to a decaying zombie MJ from "thriller" as Vincent Price continues the prayer service - we get Janet Jackson displaying Delta type CONTROL in a dance duet with her brother and then another prayer to SATAN led by a "ripped" Jack Black!!! PHEW! and all this before Lady Gaga steps up between those 2 pillars with an arch dressed as...well, here's how she described it pre-performance I would say that the fashion for the performance is a representation of the most stoic and memorable martyrs of fame in history. It’s intended to be an iconic image that represents people. I think after watching the performance and maybe studying it after you watch it on YouTube, you’ll see the references and the symbols come through.
...after the blood sacrifice releases the illuminatory light, Gaga returns as the Red Witch to recieve her honours...and then we get to Pink and straightaway ooh what a giveaway as with left breast bared (apart from heart pastie) and left leg covered with a chess board pattern, Pink is first blindfolded then led to her symbolic hanging death before singing her INITIATION under a disorienting duress of the acrobatic display - i'm sure the VMA's never used to be like THIS...
...and what about the token RAWKnROLL angle? covered this year by MUSE and GREEN DAY, both playing the same beat with the same bleat and low production values, but have you noticed how they're both wot yer ma n pa listen to and NOT REALLY RAWK at ALL!?! - WHAT's GOIN ON!?! check out THIS story for more info...
...*chick with dick? see below...
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