the History Channel on Chemtrail history

...straight from the pages of the LAST ALTA report...

As had been forecast within this and previous ALTA series, the [chemtrails] issue *has* begun percolating up to the [visible] status, with [officialdom] permission over this [spring] with the Obama administration 'discussing' the 'possibility' of using 'atmospheric shielding' as a 'tool' against 'global warming'. As a reminder, the [chemtrails] forecast includes a period in late Summer where the [visibility] of the subject will be a whole lot higher, and where the [officialdom] will be [face to face] with a [climate crisis] that will bring up, at first probably only behind [closed doors], then much later out-and-about in the [press]. Again, the basic idea is that some [climate crisis] conjunct the [rapidly, and upwardly scaling economic global crisis] will produce the idea of [duality] about [continuing] the [chemtrails]. The idea is that the [chemtrails] as a subject will be [floated] as being [made manifest/announced] *or* [abandoned (as too expensive)]. The idea within the detail sets is that an idea proposed is that the [secrecy] is [excessively costly] and that the [program] *might* be able to be [continued] if the [expense of hiding it] were to be removed. The data sets are providing continued support under the larger, primary aspect/attribute set for [chemtrails] which is [sun (hidden) from sight *(by earthly forces)]. In spite of the [officialdom] being [of the opinion/consensus] that [chemtrails] will/can 'work' for their [goals/ends], the accretion patterns suggest that the [program/chemtrails] will be [wounded (in the ability to) transport], and the [wounding (likely economic, though the war may intrude as well)] is indicated to [force] TPTB to [consider IF the chemtrails (can be used) further (in this situation)]. The accretion patterns are focusing this on mid to late August and beyond. There are several other sets growing under the [volcanoes] sub set that are sliding into conjunction with the [chemtrails] set within the Terra entity. IF we assume that the rate of accretion spread continues as it has these last 2/two runs, then the probability exists that sometime near the vernal equinox of 2010, the [volcano activity] will have put enough [dust/ash] into the [atmosphere] as to affect both [jet planes] in general and *perhaps* even the [need/reason-for-existance] of the [chemtrails] themselves

...over to the History Channel, with a new angle on a previously debunked and sidelined subject, bang on time...

...much, much, MUCH stranger things have happened in this PhilDickian landscape...


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