21st December 2012 Is The Date The Elites Fear

Project Looking Glass is a supercomputer which is able to analyse the future. All possible timelines lead to the same conclusion that the current paradigm of existence runs out on that date.

Bill Wood (not his real name), clearance Above Top Secret says that all the people who know everything about Project Looking Glass are in a blind panic as to what will happen. As the system approached crisis previously, the elites were able to manipulate and find a way round the crisis. But as of December 21st 2012, no manipulations are available which can get the system running again. The way of running the world through manipulation from the top simply won't work any more.

Sent in by Julia

TAP - It makes you think that if they hadn't invented computers, the problems would all be solved already. If the elites are done, that gives the rest of us a chance to get our worlds running properly. Bloody relief, if you ask me. Bill calls it The Awakening. The 'massive dam of lies' will hold no longer. The 'slop trough' of wrong information they feed us will be exposed. They don't have control of the world in any real sense. They simply engineer manipulations for which the reaction they can predict, and then they manipulate again. It's over - in less than twelve months. Better get ready, folks. Big Brother is out of ideas. We can teach a new way of thought from ground level.

JULIA wroteThe Bill Wood interview goes on to get even better, and was then confirmed when I snuggled up with my di book for a bedtime read. The coincidences I am getting are incredible. Bw was trained in using senses beyond his 5. He describes it as like the jedi. He was taught how to predict the future. It is easy if you just believe you can do it, and a small amount of training. He had top security clearance. The US military has hundreds of spaceships. They can get to Mars in a day, and that was 10 years ago. There is human activity on Mars and the Moon. The problem is that people can no longer see much into the future. So the elite are panicking. They can't control things any more. The ability to make a decision that influences the future is diminishing rapidly as everything, including multiple timelines, converges on 21st dec 2012. My son's birthday.

Watch after 2 hours. It's badly corrupted and needs patience to listen to.

COMMENT from Captain Ranty -


(Haven't watched the vid yet).

BUT, what is said above is reflected here:


The second document in the list says almost exactly the same thing.



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