The Prophecy of Sion
Please be aware if you are looking for a book full of legal loopholes, historical facts or a book that is grammatically perfect then this is not the book for you. My words are simple, my words are my words and are not perfect prose. This is a fictitious story that starts in Egypt with a pharaoh called Akhenaten. Please enjoy.
1 A positive start or a positive end, a negative start or a negative end
2 A rock that can or cannot be relied upon
3 A concept that may or may not be sacred
4 The catalyst that causes change +/-
5 Meaningful or meaningless discipline
6 Earthly power +/-
7 The artist striving for or has found completion
8 Destiny +/-
9 The sum of all things
This story is about a man called Sion; pronounced shun. You may know this man by another name, but at this time this needs not to be said. This man has existed at least nine times through the ages – in fact, once every thousand years, born forty six years before the end of each millennium. This story is about the last three and the one who exists now. And so he lives again. Waiting patiently for the time to come when all can be reset and all can go back to how it should be. So the story goes....
"When humanity set forth on its path to self destruction, at least we were wise enough to build in a failsafe - that would simply allow us to remember what we have forgotten, by forgetting what we have remembered." sion
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Chapter 1
The sun was shining high in the sky when Akhenaten woke beside his chief wife Nefertiti - who was still sleeping peacefully. This day was like no other. And even though the sun shone bright Akhenaten woke troubled as he now did on nearly every morning. He gently exited the bed trying not to disturb or wake his beautiful wife. He pulled on a gown and strolled towards the window to take in the fresh morning air and to bask in the sunlight that shone through the opening. This man was the pharaoh of all Egypt - its king - but nonetheless this was a very troubled man, riddled with guilt that was destroying him from the inside out. Akhenaten knew all was not well in his kingdom and the daily struggles he had with the priests of the temple and the families were becoming tiring. He had known for a long time that they had used him as a young adult. They had used him to pursue an intent that was so dark, that no light could enter it. This was the darkness of desire and lust, the addiction of materialism and status, and of course the blindness of greed. In pursuit of this, he had destroyed anyone who dare get in his way – and he had done this many times.
He knew he had been deceived. And he now knew by this being done, that the ‘intent’ was permanent, for this period. This resulted in the people of his land living daily under the dark spells of the priests. And by night they cowered in fear wondering what more the gods would ask of them, for very little more could be given. The fact they were in perpetual slavery to priests and the socially dominant families – 12 in all – broke Akhen’s heart. The fact he was meant to be part of this and the fact he was only there to maintain this, only added to the perpetual pain that was slowly destroying him – for he knew that the blame for this fell at his feet and no one else’s - and this was something he was finding harder to live with every day. He had for a long time realised that something needed to be done, but he knew in his heart it was not for him to do. His dearest friend had told him so many times that he must let things be. “All must happen as it is meant to” and he would “know what to do when the time was right” – not being told, but asked. She would say to him. But this did not help him, this only perpetuated his anguish. Wanting now to correct this very temporal problem – being given spiritual solutions did not appease his powerful mind, it only achieved in giving it a bigger stick to beat him with. Another issue that caused Akhenaten much sorrow was the knowing that the method that had been used to create this situation was not accessible any longer. It had been stolen. Akhenaten thought it had been stolen by the priests on behalf of the families, when in fact it was actually an order that had stolen it who knew everything must run its course. But in times of solace when he felt emotionally stronger he had a knowing and this comforted him. He could not determine where this knowing came from and to be honest he did not care, just being satisfied that it happened - even though it was not a frequent occurrence. In these times he would sit comforted by the fact that all that needed to be done would be done, it was just a matter of time. But for the rest of his existence, he spent his life in deep sorrow, agonising and stressing, trying to figure out how to correct all that had been done - and this was the never ending game his mind played on him. He was torn apart with torment, tortured by all he had done and all he could not do now - and to be very honest he could not say which was worse. For the most of the time he suffered in silence, until it became too much to bare. And then the lion would roar not concerned with who heard or witnessed these out bursts. For when the lion was unrestrained there was no holding it back and with this no violence would be offered against another living thing, although this was very hard to control – but the frustration sometimes caused violence against inanimate objects, but this was only because his mind demanded retribution.
Akhenaten could only confide in his closest friend, as the eyes and the ears of the priests - on behalf of the families - were everywhere and this led to a very lonely existence. Granted he had his beautiful wife and children, but his mind took no pleasure from this, unless of course he was being the all powerful king, which in reality was nothing more than a farce. He was playing the part to keep the status quo happy, as he knew that the families would have no problem in getting rid of him, if they so chose – and of course his family too. They controlled the armies, the priests and had the people fearing these elements to such an extent, that they would never rise against them. Even though it was quite evident that the controlled outnumbered the controllers 100’s to 1. Even if he was to try and raise the people against the hierarchy himself, the people would crush him first. As they believed he was the instigator and the maintainer.... and this was true. And that truth was what ate away at this man. But nonetheless he was going to try, no matter what the outcome was – he had to find some form of redemption, well, that is what his mind kept telling him. He had realised some time ago that he was just a front man who had been coerced from a very early age to desire the finer things in life, as they were labelled. He had realised a short while previous - only a matter of years – this was not the way things were meant to be and that the true finer things in life were something far different from what he had been taught to require and demand. He had realised that status, position and material wealth to name but a few were not the finer things in life, they were prisons. Prisons that stopped him being that, which he truly was. This troubled him. This pained him. He realised that he was wearing a mask playing a character in a play that seemed like a nightmare. A dream he just could not wake from. A play containing acts, laws and legislation which were instruments of torture being forced upon what they called the inferiors – the people who were lesser than them. But in times of solace he had this knowing that nothing was greater than him, but on the same hand nothing was less than him, even though his mind would try to deny this fact to justify the need for all the fore mentioned. The people didn’t just suffer physical torture, but mental torture as well, delivered by coercive religious techniques practiced and honed to perfection by the priests daily in the temple – for this is what it was to control the law, for in essence it was about controlling the wealth. What Akhenaten had realised was the fact that the priests and the families believed they were this mask, this persona. What Akhenaten didn’t know was that many others shared the same feelings and views and this was something he was to become aware of very soon. The families and the priests believed they really were the character in the play! They were so far removed from what and who they truly were. Removed to a point that the true them did not exist anymore – and this resulted from the fact that they actually believed they a right to do this. All that existed in them was this social mask the mind had created for them to wear, to be the character their minds desired them act out – a personality. They believed they had the right to do anything to anyone they so wished, as they didn’t just create the law, they believed they were the law and in being so were above it - and in doing this any form of morality had been removed to the point of none existence within them.
From a child Akhenaten had been well educated and versed in the ways of social dominance, politics and command structure and in this - his later years admitted that he was – even though it burdened him to do so. But in all honesty this was to help him come to a realisation later in life that would help beyond anything that could have. He was a good student until he began his thirteenth year always studying hard and his obedience always pleased the priests. He was punctual and well mannered and listened intently, unaware that his mind was being programmed by pre-given information so he could become what they needed him to be and act the way they needed him to act coerced by delusion. But from this age Akhenaton started to ask questions and talk about subjects that started to concern the priests – but at the same time intrigued them, intrigued them in a way like never before. The priests spoke to his father inquiring why his son had suddenly started to do this regarding subjects he should know nothing of. There was a suspicion that Amentohep himself was giving his son information, talking about subjects that were forbidden to talk about, unless it was within certain circles - but this information must never leave that circle, these were the rules. The problem the priests had to contend with was the fact that Amentohep himself would not have access to this information, for it was imperative that the pharaoh never has knowledge of such things – otherwise the deception would be blown and the front man would realise he is nothing more than a mascot, which would lead to a very dangerous situation – especially if the pharaoh was backed by the will of the people. But the fact still remained the boy knew things and where had this knowledge come from?
Obviously the priests were wary of Akhenaten’s father as being a member of the ruling families – and one of the sacred families of twelve – at that time he still wielded a great deal of power and a lot more than his son would ever wield. Knowing this the priests would always conduct themselves with extreme caution when asking anything of this man, especially when it was about one of his beloved son’s. But nonetheless the questions were needed to be asked, even though they dare not ask what they truly wanted to directly, they would indirectly. What intrigued the priests the most was this boy was talking about something he could not possibly know about, for it was only known by a very few at that time – or so it would seem. Of course one of these would not have been Akhenaton’s own farther, as it was presumed that he knew nothing. Or did he? And was he sworn to secrecy and his silence was bought by wealth, position and standing and the promise of a great building that reached to the sky to satisfy his ego. As a testament to the great life he had led – basically a pharaoh’s life, the maintainer of slavery. Was he really this naive to be fooled by such false elements of elevation? Leading to a delusion of grandeur at the highest level, that allowed for a god like existence for those who had completely succumbed to the coercive protocols. Did the lower echelons’ of the priest hood have no knowledge of this fact, a secret only known by those who occupied the top positions? Had Akhenaten’s farther succumbed to the coercion as many before him had? I suppose no one will ever know except Amentohep himself, a secret that he most certainly took to the grave to protect his own immediate family. Was it the fact that the priests who taught his son’s and had questioned him about such matters, were not just lowly priests, but masters in disguise. Masters who had reached a higher degree, employed as a safe guard to maintain whoever was to take the throne next, would be subjected to the highest level of coercion to ensure a continuance in the deception that the throne stood for – never allowing it to go back to what it should stand for.
The families maintained that in the doctrine delivered by the priests, it was absolutely essential that whoever was to be the front man (pharaoh) should be kept in the dark as much as possible regarding his true position. And must always receive the highest level of coercion to ensure this happens. Daily if needs be. This didn’t always work though. Then the level of coercion had to be increased and so did the level of bribes to counteract the problem. Even though the families were feared as though they were gods, there were those who knew far too much for their own good - or at least for the good of the families - and knew they certainly were not gods. These were the members within the lower ranks of the families who wanted their turn at the top slots. By telling the pharaoh the truth, they believed they would then in turn be in the pharaoh’s favour. And in being so, would naturally rise in status if the pharaoh did manage to take back control of the armies and the situation. Although many who uttered such words did so as false threats, the families weren’t to know this and nor dare they take that chance. So to counteract this, nothing or no one would be allowed to undermine the coercion process, so inevitably, many hands were crossed with gold and silver - or many were lifted in status to insure the process ran smoothly. So that, all that was needed to be done, was done and remained that way - seemingly effortlessly. Although on the contrary it was often not the case. For most of time the bribes or lift in status would suffice. Simply quenching the thirst for power and of course the increase in standing in the society that was lusted after by those individuals desiring such. Even though the families had the ultimate deterrent as a recourse to call upon if all else failed, in most cases they were very reluctant to use this resource. The families knew the threats would not only come from members of their own quarters and knew that threats would also rise from the ranks of the armies and of course the priest hood itself. They realised it was far better to grease the cogs of the machine they relied upon that were most needed, rather than replace them – basically them being an unwanted necessity. In fact a despised necessity, but nonetheless a necessity they could not be without. They knew that much time was always wasted in training the new recruit to accept the next level of indoctrination, that at first was not needed to be delivered, for them to become a basic cog. Time they could ill afford if the machine was to run smoothly and efficiently. So it was always more effective to use the power of bribes. To simply create a trough for them to eat from, reassuring the participant they would never be found out for eating from the trough. Many being taken to a point of no return through their sexual carnal lusts and any other levels of depravity they craved for, then the ultimate means of control could be used through blackmail. This method was and had been used on every pharaoh and Akhenaten had not escaped this process either, in fact he had suffered more coercion than any other pharaoh before him.
At the age of thirteen Akhenaten started to really impress the priests with his acquired knowledge and understanding, even though at times he heavily questioned the priests over subjects they dare not speak of. They were so pleased in the fact that he accepted that he was of noble blood. In being this they could see that he accepted that he was better than everyone else – one of the main focuses of the doctrine. The priests realised that the coercion was working. There was little choice for Akhen. When you have been repeatedly told something for a length of time over and over again, sooner or later you will believe it – whether it be true or not. This was the prime purpose of the coercion delivered by the priests. To get whoever they were teaching to except there word above all others and to except that their words were the words of the one creator Temu himself. And in being so, that the indoctranie would never dare to disobey anything the priests told them to do or believe in and of course never dare to question. Even though Akhenaten did question, the priests started to treat him with a different kind of respect, simply because of the impression he had left upon the them. It was very obvious that the boy held the priests in very high a steam as they did him, even though they would never allow this to get in the way of what was needed to be achieved. He became a model student and was starting to show an ever increasing disrespect for the inferiors, which was a priority. The boy showed strong will and his intent was so strong that he always got what he demanded even if that was not gained by direct means. The boy seemed to have a way with words unlike anything they had ever seen. They had even witnessed on numerous occasions this boy entrance one of the priests using nothing more than they were using - the power of suggestion and had to step in and remove the priest in question, replacing them for another. It was soon to become very obvious that there was something very special about this boy and especially about the way he spoke and how he used words. It was very obvious as well to the priests who taught Akhenaten, that his use of the power of suggestion was far greater than anyone within the temple could achieve - even though there was a disbelief amongst the arrogant higher members of the temple who dismissed such suggestions. But the priests who had witnessed what this boy could do knew this arrogance oh so well - although they would not admit it - as they suffered from the same infliction, but they could not dismiss what they had witnessed with their own eyes or heard with their own ears. But regardless of this it was very apparent that this boy talked of things he could not possibly know of and the burning question was how did he know? Another strange occurrence was that Akhenaten would only ever talk about such things with the priests and was adamant about this - even though the priests could not be sure of this fact, they had no choice but to accept it. But one fact did re-assure them; because to be honest to anyone else living within the societies rules and conformity, the words Akhenaten spoke would be the words of someone suffering from madness, a lunatic and something of this strange nature would surely have been reported and dealt with, even if he was the kings son.
Many times they asked of him “how do you know such things” and the boy who would be king answered “I do not know, all I can tell you is they seem like memories”. The boy spoke like this many times and talked of all manner of subjects and occurrences. They witnessed a change in the boy when this happened. His voice would slow and deepen and he spoke very precisely without wavering. A positive absoluteness that was humble, but at the same assertive, just not in an arrogant way, delivered as though it was a perspective and nothing more and sometimes strangely including humour. But the strangest occurrence was after such event the boy would remember nothing about what he had spoke of, as if he had never uttered the words. Many times he spoke of a plant called hemp and that machines would be built and powered from this plant, but he spoke of how this would end many years later never to be talked about. He described why this would be done, so that wealth and control could be kept by the few, as long as the use of this plant was suppressed - especially its medicinal properties. He spoke of a device he called a coil that could produce energy as if it could produce lightening and from this device machines and devices could be powered, even producing light to allow you to see in the darkest of places. Again he said at a later date this technology would be suppressed so the few could charge the rest for using what it created. Many of the priests were puzzled by these suggestions, all except one called Iktus, who knew that what the boy talked about already existed, but he was sworn to secrecy, never to utter a word about the knowledge of such things. Akhenaten spoke of stone and how it could trap the energy that a human body transmits, funneling it though to a central point to amplify intent, a bad intent that would be lost one day only to be replaced by another concept. He spoke of how this concept would manifest in time to become systems of control via dead speak and the written word in things called books – and how one specific book would be wrote on the pretense that it was for the greater good, but in reality it would be filled with a commercial construct only a few would truly understand for the benefit of those who truly understood it. Even though the members of the lower priest hood had knowledge of some of the subjects the boy spoke of, as Akhenaten spoke the priests would be captivated by the boys words and truly astounded. Unless he had been told, what he talked about defied logic, because he just could not know about the things they knew of and what of the rest?
He spoke of how these buildings would be built and why they would be built – starting small and increasing in size till they were astronomical in proportion and precision. Many times he talked of how they would be constructed, from what materials and where they would be built. How at a later date there construction would puzzle people and it would be presumed that there was outside interference and help from the stars, because it would be presumed that humanity would not be advanced enough at this time to build such feats of engineering. For the history of such events would be lied about and wrote in a certain way. Not being a true account of events, but more like an account that would only suggest certain things were possible. To maintain a belief system that was very much relied upon. He spoke of how these buildings would demonstrate the epitome of ego, as all temples would in future dates. Filled with such treasures that people would believe were important as they lived their lives deluded by material wealth. That there purpose was to be used as the burial grounds of the great pharaohs, when the reality was there purpose was far from that – even though the pharaohs would believe they were and at a later date loss leaders would be found to suggest such a use for these buildings. He spoke of the light from the sun being concentrated into a beam of light that could cut, etch and carve even the strongest of stones, all bar one and this one statement – even though two of the priests present that day knew not what the boy was talking about - was the one statement that the priest called Iktus had been waiting for. Iktus had been waiting for this boy of only thirteen years to speak of this stone, as he knew this was the most closely guarded secret in of all Egypt? Before Iktus could stop Akhenaten he went on to explain also about a prophecy that came with the stone that he said was called the Prophesy of Sion and at this point the Iktus stopped all conversations about such a matter and told Akhenaten to be silent. A conversation of this magnitude could only be conducted in private and not in public, even if it was only two priests listening, because only the very few would be privileged enough to hear these words and only when Iktus decided it was appropriate.
Later that evening the two priests who had overheard what Akhenaten had said that afternoon were asked to go to the first house of the temple to meet with Iktus. They were intercepted along the way in a darkened area that was on the path from the priest’s dormitories to the first house. There they were met by four soldiers who followed the orders they had received and hacked the two priest’s death. Iktus was now to be present at all lessons that Akhenaten was to receive and if anyone over heard what this boy uttered, they too, would meet with the same fate.
Please click here to read Chapter 2
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