Alex Putney - Human Resonance

Alex Putney who is behind the interesting website joins us on the program to discuss his work and theories on standing waves, geometrical relationship between ancient monuments, pyramids, sacred sites, magnetic resonance, Earth's chakras points, changing energies, 2012, acoustic levitation, Tesla, electrum water, black light and the strange objects found at La Maná in Ecuador that are UV fluorescent. Do not miss these two very interesting hours. In the first hour we discuss: Phi, Giza Pyramids, Fibonacci Ratio, 1.45 Hertz, Prime Meridian, Cymatics, The Crop Circle Phenomenon, Crystallization of the Water, 2012, The Atlantis Properties, Age of the Pyramids & Sphinx, Pyramid Heart Beat Synchronization, Tri Thalamic Entrainment, Heart Mind Connection, Telepathic Ability, DNA, Sanskrit, Synchronization of Earth's Bell, Human Bio Rythms, Cellphone Towers, Acoustic Environment, Prayer, The DNA Helix, Inscom, Anastasia, Biorhythms, Daniel Tammet, Infrasound Waves, Quality of the Water, Emotion in the Heart, Electrum Water, Ayurvedic Waters, Cleaning up the Body, La Mana, Black Light Power and more. In our second hour with Alex we discuss grounding of the human body, illumination of your DNA and the special water with Gold and Silver particles, Electrum water. We also talk about the true vs. the false illuminati, the casing stones of the pyramids, what their properties are, how they were made, the flood and water from Mars. We process to discuss the changing energies are affecting Earth, anomalies taking place around the world in accordance to the standing wave ratio that Alex have mapped, unexplained fires, levitating stones and even strange animals are found. Are there changes happening to our DNA? We talk about the purpose of the pyramids - fire, light and their function. We get into 2012, magnetic reversal and Betelgeuse. This star has shockingly been shrinking more than 15 per cent since 1993! Is it going to go supernova in 2012? Will the effects of this potentially dying star reach us at this critical moment?


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