A Tru (patri)Ott steps up...
...or ; Jane Burgermeister vs the Deagle Team vs the WHO
or ; the Jurisdictionary and the lady...
...anyhoo, we're deep in PhilDickia here boy and that's no lie! just look at the names on THIS castlist - the WHO and their cronies are the baddies obviously with their stockpile of bioweaponry designated US666-EU666 soon to be loosed upon the world as an innocuous vaccine (oxymoron right there), and lining up against them are Jane Buergermeister and Apostle JoAnne Cremer et al in one corner, and in the final ring of this 3 ring circus we got -Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM, Dr A True Ott PhD ND, Dr. Rebecca Carley MD, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny DO, Dr. Russell Blaylock MD, Dr. Mayer Eisenstein MD JD, Alexander S. Jones formerly of the NIH, Dr. Arthur Evangelista PhD., Ingri Cassel, Devvy Kidd, Jeff Rense, Dr Russell Rowen MD, Ronald MacDonald, Tim Alexander Earl of Sterling, Dr Fred Graves JD, Alexander Backman reporting from Mexico, Gary Matsumoto, Stewart Rhodes founder of Oathkeepers, Alex Studer who runs the website H1N1 Frankenvirus, and others.
...did you spot Ronald MacDonald in there? what about the Earl of Stirling?, back to them later, but for now, here's Alex from Frankenvirus
"I was invited onto the team back in June 09 by Dr Bill Deagle MD as I was the first to take Jane Burgermeister’s adulterated and plaigiarized 135-page treatise of CRAP to the San Francisco District Attorney, who laughed at it. Since then we have distanced ourselves from a very unhelpful saboteur whom we believe now to be an infiltrating psy-operative working for lettered agencies. She first ran a blog called birdflu666 (a codename used within the lettered agencies as the H1N1 bioweapon was being developed at Ft Detrick from 97 to 04 – something Jane B could NOT have known otherwise) and now it exists also as whoflu666."
...he continues
"I am the San Francisco chapter president of Jurisdictionary®, whose mission is to provide free legal education to those who wish to become properly educated pro se litigants in US State courts. We have weekly meetings of all national chapter leaders and are led through seminars by the Jurisdictionary founder, Dr Fred Graves JD. Together with other members of the Deagle team I have constructed and filed three times a petition for injunction against HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius in Superior Court and all three times the petition has been denied by judge Lillian R. Gargano – apparently for lack of imminence and not acknowledging the “mandatory” aspect, although no true cause for denial was ever stated. Since then, the language in Washington DC has changed so that the vaccination program will be “voluntary”. However we now know that it is not to be voluntary, that it is to be with consequences – denial of travel, services, freedom, and possibly your life if you choose not to get the shot. This is NOT voluntary, and we are busy at work fighting this battle – among others.All honest and willing participants are welcome to assist in our endeavors to increase awareness and to find and expose TRUTH. Infiltrators such as Citizen Jane need not apply. This is not for the unethical or ignorant. We require battle-hardened experts in Truth and nothing less."
...PHEW! Alex gets more personal in this entry found on the aforementioned bird-flu666 site -
"Jane Burgermeister STFU you poor excuse for a human being.Whatever your name is – Citizen Jane – I heard your shpiel last night. Your time is limited in this capacity you serve – which is to undermine the real truth movement.Dr Ott and Dr Deagle accepted you into the team back in April in good faith and you SCREWED them and have continued to LIE about it. You have NOT filed any charges against Dr Bill Deagle MD, Dr A True Ott PhD ND, Jeff Rense or ANYONE.YOU ARE A FRAUD. We looked into your so-called injunction document. You should know that *I* am the first US citizen to have filed a proper injunction and that I am a chapter president of Jurisdictionary, I personally think you should run and hide – find the deepest darkest hole you can find, because we are coming for you. YOU CAN NOT WIN.Take heed, ms. whatever-your-name-really-is. I am pretty damn sure it isnt what you say it is.Tell me this: how did you arrive on the handle birdflu666?I would love to hear your explanation in light of the evidence now presented. Everyone is hereby put on notice to please help stop this truth assassin known as Jane Burgermeister and do whatever it takes to bring her down. E-bomb her blogs, call in to whoever interviews her and state the real facts. Help spread the word, and you can always report any incidents directly to me and it will get to the appropriate channels.Please folks, this issue is far too serious and lives are at stake for anyone to be compromised of their access to truth by a foreign so-called independent journalist."
...WoW! amongst all this piss and vinegar from Alex, will a TRUE PATRIOT please step up?, why it's Dr A Tru Ott, recovering mormon and highly-priced health supplement vendor, what say you, Tru?...
"As my Grandpa “True” told me, “Son, remember it is always easier to just remember your name and TELL THE TRUTH — Lies are so much more difficult to cover up.”For a period of time, Ms. Burgermeister was a respected and valued member of this “team” – she is/was the sole “contact” in Austria, and we relied on her eyes and ears for European news -especially over the border in Switzerland and Novartis’ home in Basel.
Unfortunately, as you each have now apparently discovered, Ms. Burgermeister exhibited some “less-than-desirable” personality quirks. Extreme narcissistic tendencies became apparent. Wild accusations against various members of the “team” became the norm, and not the exception. When the “dust settled” – Ms. B had alienated myself and most of the team.the primary difference with myself, the entire team, and Jane Burgermeister is that we are doing this work for the sake of the innocents who will be victimized here. We are doing this work in the name of humanity. Jane appears to be doing her work for the glory and advanced of Jane Burgermeister, and little else. She has done a very good job of turning a VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE into a three-ring MEDIA CIRCUS"
"Jane, I believe you need counseling, or better yet, a rubber room and a straight-jacket if you truly believe I am some double agent for big pharma or the government and Mike Leavitt’s zionist cabal. PLEASE!!!!If True Ott is a “liar” – then you had better discontinue your “666 BirdFlu” web blog immediately – because everything I have shared with you for the past 4 months is a completely bogus scam. There is no conspiracy to kill millions of innocent people with a manufactured, recombinant virus — all a big Lie from True Ott. There are no toxins like squalene in the vaccines — the vaccines are 100% safe, Jane – because as you say, True Ott is A LIAR!
Jane (aka Ms. 666 from hell) — in case you haven’t figured it out — YOU HAVE REALLY PISSED ME OFF.
If you want me for an enemy, girl, you got it!!(excerpt from Tru Ott's email to Sheldon Day, MORE HERE)"
...so, just who is Tru and WHO is false? and how did Ronald MacDonald get in there? all this and more in the next chapter of the Burgergate files. I'll leave you with these final words from Jane Burgermeister -
"The circus containing Tim Vawker’s injunction continues:http://rense.com/general87/mislead.htm
Did the vaccine companies realise that if they put in a poor injunction and that injunction fails, an almost insurmountable precedent would be set?
Why did Tim Vawker put in such a weak injunction? Or did he really not put in any injunction at all as he claimed and as Devvy Kidd alleges here on Rense?
Did Vawker tell Barbara Minton of Natural News the injunction had been granted when it had just been handed in? Who gave her that information? Has she been set up?
Elizabeth Book hired Tim Vawker. Why?
One thing is for sure: I am out of this circus."...
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