Whistling up a Storm
...up steps Catherine Austin Fitts into the BURGERGATE affair, a highly placed financial whistleblower, who, on her Solari website, joins the growing ranks supporting Jane Burgermeister, stating "you would be well advised to stop snearing at the word conspiracy. It automatically marginalizes you in a serious way." and furthur -
Next week she talks to Clif High of HalfPastHuman who seem to mention her (or Jane? or Sorcha?) in the infamous last ALTA report -Now, if this sounds ludicrous to you, it may be because you do not appreciate how dark the culture has become that is now in charge. Do you have any idea how impossibly frustrating it is to manage a highly centralized system in which the vast majority of people lack any responsibility to ensure that the whole thing works? Everyone wants their free lunch and there are no real markets or democracy to force accountability or a shared intelligence. Force works. Force has increasingly become the way to achieve most everything. Using force is a lot easier that living with rising risk and the costs of subsidizing an aging population.
So the question for you and me is “what do we do?” Are we going to take a vaccine? Are we going to allow our children to be vaccinated? Will we have a choice? How can we organize to make sure that we do? Is self-quarantine a practical option? How would we prepare for it?
What you believe is your responsibility. The time has come to build time into Summer schedules to research options, discuss them with those you trust and make informed decisions about what you believe and what actions you intend to take under a variety of scenarios.
I don’t have the answers yet. Somehow, I believe we can find them together. And while we do, let’s remember to pray for the love of humanity to be rekindled and nourished in each and every heart.
As has been discussed for over a year in the ALTA reports, there is...murfing, huh? sounds fun to me, but just who IS the Bringer of light into this dark and surreal PhilDickian landscape?!?...
an expectation from the data sets that a [whistleblowers/disgruntled
former employee] will [emerge] from the [coagulation] of
[officialdom] {ed note: [inability to pay gov't employees]} over
[summer] with a very large [presence], and [much success] both in
[money], and [publicity] at a global/planetary level. As this
[personality] will emerge {ed note: universe directs all} at the
[perfect time] in the [economic collapse] to provide a [seeming
distraction] such that the TPTB are indicated to [allow], and even
[promote] the [personality]. What they fail to realize is that while it
serves their interests in the short term, the [crushing economic
pressures] on [local (and) state] governments, as well as [lay-offs]
within the [contractor corps] for the [military] will produce a
[swollen lake] behind a very thin dam as the [legions] of [former
(and soon to be former) government workers] who *think* they
[know something] will take the [success] of the [Stellar/Star
'Witness'] personality/whistleblower as an example to be emulated.
Then the damn dam breaks, and, from the point of view of TPTB,
the damn [flood] begins.
A part of the [flood] indicated to be of some concern to TPTB {ed
note: extensive cross links ending in bespoke [fear] sub set}, will be
the [rising/growing] number of reports of [people], usually
described as [ordinary], and [unenlightened/dense/obtuse (to)
psychic/extra-sensory phenomena], who will [suddenly] and
[shockingly] be [feeling/experiencing] new, and never before
[felt/appreciated] [energy waves]. These [energy waves] are
described by the data sets as being [hyper dimensional/ethereal],
and yet as [producing physical responses] including many that will
be taken as [symptoms] of [disease]. These might include [sudden],
and [intense] sessions of [ringing/high pitched tones], or the
[impression of gravity waves]. Some of the supporting sets for this
last are painting pictures of [people] being [reduced/knocked down]
by the [perception of the gravity wave]. A few of the more dramatic
supporting sets indicate that [airplane travel] will be affected by
[gravity wave sensations] over late 2009 and through 2010. The
[perception] of the [waves of (gravity)] are a sub set of the
[unknown energies from space] aspect/attribute set and are, within
that set, cross linked over to symptoms descriptions including
[reeling (in place)/unable to stand], and [collapsing knees]. The
range of humans experiencing such problems is indicated to be of
all ages, races, and both genders. The linguistics suggest that the
perception of the [wave] will result in the [sensitives] learning to
[mentally surf (murf)] as the [waves] roll over them. The
importance of this within the SpaceGoatFarts entity appears to be as
a precursor to a larger, expanding population of [people perceiving
gravity/energy waves] to manifest over 2010, and 2011. These
linguistic structures around the [murf] phenomenon are
participatory within the very much larger structure of [surreal] that
grows to dominance within the populace entities over the next
2/two years.
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