Jane Burgermeister or Sorcha Faal?

...reading through random pages from the Last ALTA 1309 Report whilst mulling the Sorcha Faal question lead me to this data rich passage -

This specific [architecture], while crumbling is indicated to [spill out] a [tongue] of material from the [building] upon which will be 1/one of several [large impetus
occurrences] to [new exposure] of the [contact] meme. There are specific references for a [woman] which is supported by [embodiment (of) female] who will be coming to
[visibility] over the course of Summer and Fall, with many associations with [whistleblowers]. This [woman] has supporting aspects for [spirituality] and [reaching (for)
enlightenment]. She is described in the data sets with a primary supporting aspect/attribute of [scars], which are [painted broadly/covering] some portion of her body.
These [scars] are a very central descriptor for the [woman] at least in terms of how she is viewed by herself and her [family/extended family]. This personality is
described as [bringing] or [carrying forward] a [sacrifice] that is described as [activity] (and which is cross linked to her [scars]), or perhaps a [performance]
designed to [foment/excite] the [tribe] toward [exposure]. This [woman] further has supporting sets for [past/old] associations with [attacks (by) TPTB], and
[evil spirits/beings]. She is further described as gaining a [visibility] that will be quite [shocking] to both the [woman] involved, and her very large[tribal collective/extended family]. Further the [exposure] that the [woman/female personality] will bring to the [contact] meme will involve direct [participation]
by some persons in the [russian state government], as well as [NASA]. This area *might* be describing 1/one of our forecast [whistleblowers], or a person involved in their[promotion]. The [visibility] of the [female personality] over summer will come about due to her [russian heritage/roots/lineage] and *seeming* a [past/previous
incarceration]. Her [scars] are *not* associated with the [incarceration] sub set. These are apparently from her [youth], and include some [trauma] associated with
[strawberries]. Hmmmmmm. The [incarceration] sub set includes such institutions as [local jails], and [national state prisons], as well as [mental institutions].
This last *may* be the actual focus of her [incarceration] as there are some extensive cross links to the [canadian (mental) health care system], as well as [nursing]
as an [occupation]. This [female personality] has many cross links over to the GlobalPop entity, where many of these also end in areas which are geographically
linked to either [canada] or [russia]. The [russia] sub set contains some small sub set for [urals (mountains)]. There are many cross links from the [(scarred) woman
of exposure] over to [NASA] and many of these are curiously linked to [markets] and the [banking cessation/holiday]. This [woman] is temporally linked, at least her
[visibility], to a *major* incident of [social unrest] and [social disaster] in both [china] and the [usofa]. She is indicated to appear in very close proximate to
the [whistleblowers] from [deep black/under shadows]. Unfortunately, this [female person] will also be appearing just *weeks* before the next step down in the [global
economic crumble]. The reason that the temporality of her appearance is important is that she will be *just* gaining her [voice] at the [global level] {ed note: many
associations with the forecast planetary populace movement} when [all hell] breaks loose at the [planetary financial level]. The [contact] meme gets its next big ?burst?
{ed note: pun intended} from the [sun illness] over early to mid Fall 2009, and in the mixture of the [rampaging economic/financial (and international social order) chaos],
both the [contact] meme and the [woman (of scars)] will gain a significant measure of [visibility]. Her [visibility] is directly supported by [videos], and [private]
release rather than [corporate]?.sooooo, we don?t think that she will be coming from the main stream media. The appearance of the [scars (wearing) woman] will also be
conjunct (within a few weeks) of a large increase in the [information seepage] from the [shadow world]. This increase is different from previous situations of
[whistleblowers] in that the data sets are indicating that the [frozen masses (of) humans] will start to [thaw] toward this information, and are indicated to find
[receptivity] for what will be [leaking out]. The data sets are also indicating that this [acceptance] of the [contact] meme will be directly related to the
[south america] sub set and the [promises fulfilled] sub set around the [appearance]. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A FORECAST OF MASS APPEARANCE OF UFO?s.
At least not quite yet...
So who is the Bringer of Light into this Dark and Barren Place? - the hunt continues...

Pancho Be


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